Originally Posted by Karl_Brogger
Originally Posted by Jake
...but my point is, you don't have to be left or right to see that this administration is not off to a great start of their own volition.

I love the left/right ideology when being applied to American politics. Aren't all of our politicians on the far left?

To clarify the scale, the absolute far right is complete anarchy. Zero governmental control at all. The absolute far left is complete totalitarianism. You don't do anything without clearing it with somebody in an official position.

Which end of that scale are we closer to? And how varying are the last ten fuckwits from one another on that scale? laugh

Seems like complete anarchy to me, and its only 4 weeks in.
Confusing/contradicting statements about policy, absurd spokespeople making crazy statements (like this guy, complete nutter IMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHiHuTmxxgI)