Hmm... voter error ??

I have to admit... I have clicked enter on the voting machine and then had a brief panic attack that I filled it out incorrectly as I walk away.

In my states machine era... You clicked enter and that was a final decision. No oops... I want a redo opportunity.

In my states scantron era... I don't know... If you walk up with a ballot that you have not scanned and spoiled in some way... I would assume... they record destroying the bad one and give you another go... Once it enters the scanner... finished..

I take the word "cast" as meaning a once and done final decision.... No Redos.... So... I cast my vote by postmarking it. hitting enter on the machine... or stuffing it into the scanner.

So, I would imagine... IF you want a redo of your spoiled ballot that is still in your possession... you get a redo. Once you post mark it... or scan it... or click enter... You are finished.

Personally, I don't see how "Rules" on the orderly management of vote collection are in any way disenfranchising a voter. Do you have an argument on this issue that I am missing?

The small d democratic principle is that citizens have the right and duty to vote and the state has the responsibility to maximize the opportunity to vote and conduct the voting fairly.. with out disenfranchising anyone... or favoring one party.

in this light.... "to cast" is a final irrevocable action and small d democratic.

One interesting thought came up.... If you have mail in ballots... How do you ensure privacy... How far must the state go to allow you /ensure that you CAN vote in privacy.. If you mail ballots to husband and wife... What stops one individual from coercing the other to vote a certain way. Should the state HAVE to provide a public polling place?

Last edited by Mark Schneider; 01/13/17 10:19 AM.